The cherry on top
Transcripts and editing
Why would you want one?
Once a guest has been interviewed and the episode edited, oftentimes you might want a transcript to help create a blog post to promote the interview, or you may need it to remove quotes for your social media posts, or perhaps you want to provide the transcript on your website in order to allow those who prefer/require script to enjoy the content. Transcripts are easily generated by a whole host of paid platforms, the issue is that they are not always accurate because when people speak, sometimes they mumble, or say 'um' a lot. Perhaps they have a thick accent, or their mic was bad. This is why it helps to have someone go through and edit, providing a clean transcript.
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The Process
A transcript of your episode can be sent to you upon request. The process is quite straightforward. Send in the edited audio file or if you had asked for audio editing of the raw file, just ask for the transcript to be included in final delivery. The generation and transcript editing process does take up to 48 hours to deliver if I am working with clean audio. If I am asked to edit your audio file before generating a transcript, this may take up to 4 days based on how long the audio is.
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